I Can`T Think Straight Online Putlocker
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I Can`T Think Straight Online Putlocker

The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard. This is a documentary about the largest and the most famous torrent website in the world The Pirate Bay and the story behind it. Its the day before the trial starts. Fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old Volvo. I Can`T Think Straight Online Putlocker' title='I Can`T Think Straight Online Putlocker' />Along with his Pirate Bay co founders, he faces 1. Hollywood in a copyright infringement case. Fredrik is on his way to install a new computer in the secret server hall. This is where the worlds largest file sharing site is hidden. When the hacker prodigy Gottfrid, the internet activist Peter and the network nerd Fredrik are found guilty, they are confronted with the reality of life offline away from keyboard. 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Ciri Hi actors its Wendy Lane right talent  manager at waw entertainment in Los  Angeles California and Im going to talk  to you for a minute about what acting is  because I think there is a huge  disconnect between people who want to be  an actor and actors so lets just start  by saying acting is not pretending  acting is not getting up on stage and  pretending to be something pretending to  have a feeling  pretending to respond to someone or  pretending to say something to someone  pretending to feel something or  pretending to be angry acting is being  those things acting is being angry being  sad being happy being loving being  afraid being concerned while you are  basically speaking the lines that  someone else has written so what is not  real is that the words are not the words  are written by someone else theyre not  organic to your present moment  youre not if that writer wasnt there  writing it you wouldnt be saying it  youd be saying whatever it is you  really feel that you really are  experiencing but as an actor someone  else is writing the words and you are  reading those words learning those words  and now you have to put them into the  part of you that is I dont say that you  have to bring those words through a  human being to life they have to come  through the human feeling. The human  emotion that you have within you  so that they become real so that they  land on a person whos listening they  cant just be written on a piece of  paper and then you say them otherwise  thats very robotic thats thats  reciting a line they actually have to  come through you as the instrument you  as an actor are the instrument and the  words have to come through the human  instrument and come out as a human being  would say it as a human being would feel  it as a human being would experience it  and a human being experiences genuine  emotion and then says how they feel or  think experiences genuine reaction to  something and then says how they feel or  think or they pull away because of how  they feel or think so your job as an  actor is to hear those words that the  writers written and then make a  character come to life like decide okay  who is this person this person where do  they come from how do they feel whats  happened in their life thats made them  who they are what do they want out of  their life what do they want out of that  moment that you are talking with someone  what do what are they afraid of you have  to invent all those things you have to  think about like say you get a script  and you know you have words on a page if  its an audition and you get the script  half an hour before you go in an  audition  part of what an acting class teaches you  is how to break down a script and make  those choices when you hear the word  choices. Youre talking about things like  how old is this character where did they  just come from before they had this  moment thats on the page what are they  afraid of what do they want what do they  need more than anything in the world  whats what are they upset about if they  dont get what they need whats going to  happen to them because human beings are  driven by five  your love need and want they are either  in fear of something losing something  and fear they might not get something  that they want they are searching for  love so human beings are living from  those places so when you create a  character which is somebody elses idea  of of whatever theyve written you have  to figure out okay now how do I make  this character human I have to figure  out what they want what they love what  they fear what they need and then I have  to make decisions about that so lets  say the line is you know Im I really  need your help on this um I cant do  this by myself  I really need your help it is not going  to work if you just say it I really need  your help on this aside really need your  help you have to think about and the  choices are if I dont get their help I  am going to be kicked out of my house  and that is that that then becomes kind  of desperation that you get their help  thats a choice you make that makes the  way you say it completely different then  I need your help  which is just I need your help that just  means nothing but if you are thinking I  need your help because I am NOT going to  have any place to live in a couple days  if you dont help me Im going to be on  the street like literally you have to  imagine Im gonna have to bring the few  things I have and put them down here on  the street and sit out here by myself  because Ill have no place to go because  theres no one else for me and I really  need your help I cant do this by myself  thats how you make a choice that fuels  the emotion of what youre saying youre  not gonna cry and ruin my makeup  but you have to feel those things I mean  its using your imagination yes but its  also you know seeing what would happen  to you if you didnt get their help  because once you see what would happen  to you if you didnt get their help  it becomes urgent for you to get their  help and the way you say the line  becomes real the way because you feel it  acting is feeling real emotion in  made up circumstances. So lets say you  change the way you say completely what  if you dont need their help at all what  if like your help is the last thing I  need oh yeah I really need your help  yeah I need your help like I need a hole  in the head  okay um I really yeah I really need your  help you make a choice that this person  really doesnt need their help this  person is the most unhelpful person on  the face of the earth theyve never been  helpful and in fact youre angered that  they havent been helpful you know what  I need your help I cant do it without  you  youve made a decision now to be  circuits make the decision to be  sarcastic it just comes out sarcastic  because youre thinking the thoughts of  the character the thoughts of the  character is what youre supposed to be  thinking when youre acting not your own  personal thoughts okay youre thinking  ah the person Im talking to right now  is an asshole okay Ive asked for their  help before they never give it to me  theyve let me down over and over and  over again this person is the most  disappointing person in the world and  now youre gonna ask for my help  ah yes I do I need your help. Vijay Tv Office Serial Episode 34 on this page.

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