Watch Inalienable Online Facebook
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Watch Inalienable Online Facebook

Watch Inalienable Online Facebook' title='Watch Inalienable Online Facebook' />The Uncensored Alternative Social Media Network To Facebook Investment. Watch. BY VOICE OF REASONFree speech is under assault not only in repressive dictatorships suddenly able to influence global conversations through the Internet, but across the Western world, and even in the American bastion of free expression. St. Mary of Perpetual Help Church serving the Bridgeport community of Chicago since 1888. Student weekly of Georgia State University in Atlanta. Guide to spending as little as possible to get the best watches possible. How to survive as a watch lover on a budget. The California Senate passed a bill in late May that would require gun owners to pay a 50 fee simply for the right to buy ammunition a free that will be used to. Absolute protection for speech as an inalienable right has given way to bitter squabbling over how much free expression should be sacrificed for various, ostensibly noble goals, and who the censors will be. THE FOLLOWING COMES FROM BREITBARTS, FIGHT THE CENSORSHIP WARLast month, Facebook launched what it called an Initiative for civil courage online, the aim of which, it claims, is to remove hate speech from Facebook specifically by removing comments that promote xenophobia. Facebook is working with a unit of the publisher Bertelsmann, which aims to identify and then erase racist posts from the site. The work is intended particularly to focus on Facebook users in Germany. At the launch of the new initiative, Facebooks chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, explained that, Hate speech has no place in our society not even on the internet. She went to say that, Facebook is not a place for the dissemination of hate speech or incitement to violence. WHAT FACEBOOK FAILS TO RECOGNIZE OR JUST DOESNT CARE Totalitarianism is the politicization and control of every aspect of life. It can easily be sugar coated and sold with high minded language. When it begins slipping in more sinister directions, the supporters of benevolent totalitarianism are willing to forgive its appetites, because they dont want to surrender their sense of idealism and they really dont mind if people they loathe are oppressed. The new twist on this grim old formula is the rise of computerized communication, which makes it possible for ordinary people to share their thoughts as never before but also gives a few corporate titans unprecedented power to both censor our communications, and conceal the censorship. The New York Times, one of the top promoters of this new Orwellian model for censorship, devoted twothirds of a page in its Tuesday editions to a laudatory piece. Automated hate speech suppression systems keep human fingerprints off censorship decisions. Some of the most insidious social media censorship systems keep the targeted user from realizing he has been censored he still sees his own post, but has no idea the system is hiding it from the outside world. To find out more, in the Search Bar of Facebook Type Initiative for civil courage onlineTake a moment to share your story or idea supporting counter speech, with the goal of combating online extremism and hate speech. In order to make change, everyone needs to feel empowered to share their voice and exercise Netz gegen Nazis is an online portal which details the people, ideologies and strategies behind far right extremism in Germany. The aim is to inform the people of the best ways to counter the hate spread by the far right, and how to help those who have joined right wing extremist groups to leave them. Extreme Dialog aims to reduce the appeal of violent extremism to young people, and offer a positive alternative to extremist material and propaganda found online. They released a series of documentary films telling the personal stories of Canadians affected by violent extremism including former members of violent extremist groups, survivors of extremist violence, and the families of those that have joined extremist movements. I believe Breitbart hit the nail on the head about what Facebook is doing when they said Citizens must learn to weigh their words very carefully. Thats a way of teaching them to weigh their very thoughts carefully, internally policing themselves, lest external social justice police have to be called in. We are told to accept this new, constrained view of free expression because only bad thoughts will be suppressed, but as Murray demonstrates, the definition of bad thought becomes elastic very quickly, and the ability to write those definitions is a source of incredible power. I dont know about you but Ive about had it with outlets that continually lie, manipulate, and abuse the masses for their own gain. Specifically Facebook, Twitter, and countless others working towards the elite agenda with little recourse about the impact they are having on humanity so long as their pockets are filled with money. Its time for us Americans to take a stand against such groups and make our voices heard. If we continue to allow these manipulative giants to rule over us then we can kiss our freedoms goodbye. I for one, wont stand by and let it happen. I will share what they are doing with everyone and anyone willing to listen. I will no longer allow them to rule over me in such a manner that they know every jot and tittle about my life and I believe you feel the same way. That said, if by now you havent figured out that Facebook is in cahoots with the government, then I feel for you. For anyone not aware of the issues, the following were two examples I found buried in their terms and services How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm We may also access, preserve and share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity to protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of investigations or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. Vendors, service providers and other partners. We transfer information to vendors, service providers, and other partners who globally support our business, such as providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing how our Services are used, measuring the effectiveness of ads and services, providing customer service, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and surveys. These partners must adhere to strict confidentiality obligations in a way that is consistent with this Data Policy and the agreements we enter into with them. For those who are well aware of the issues its high time you readied yourself to switch over to. Watch Alice In Wonderland Online Movies24free. Seen. life. It is a fairly new site that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship crap. Last century alone, the utopia promised by SocialistMarxistCommunist politicians who promised a more fair and equitable lifestyle for their people came at a cost of almost 1. MILLION dead human beings. The notion that, it will be different this time, is only further proof weve failed the youth and our education system is broken. George Santayana once famously said When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The United States is truly entering very troubling times right now, as we head full throttle towards the next iteration of a failed socialist state. Never before in history has a country the size of the United States had any measure of success under socialist principles, but that fact is completely lost on so many of todays Americans whose only concern seems to be, What can you do for MEWriting at Liberty Unyielding on Saturday, retired Naval Intelligence officer J. Facebook is deliberately censoring alternative media, pushing globalist agenda. Natural. News Increasingly, Facebook is being accused of censoring material that users post on the worlds largest social media website, prompting outrage and confusion from many who see hypocrisy in the sites rules. In one recent instance, as reported by Info. Wars. com, multiple users of the site have complained that they were not able to share some You. Tube videos from the alternative media site, as well as others including Natural News When attempting to share videos by Infowars and by social commentators E. T. Williams and Mark Dice, Facebook users received error messages preventing them from sharing the videos even though they were able to share videos from other, non political You. Tube channels. Never, never happened beforeI clicked on Share at the bottom of You. Tube as usual to post the latest Alex Jones Show to my Facebook profile to share it with various people from back home in England, Infowars viewer Chris C. Normally it goes straight through, but Facebook gave this error message stating bad content or something of that nature. He added that he has never encountered this issue before. Never, ever, ever, ever, he said. That was why I was so shocked when it happened. The most common error message that users encountered said, source URL is not properly formatted, despite the fact that the URL was a standard You. Tube link. In addition, the social media site appeared to be adding erroneous code to shortened Infowars. URLs, so when users clicked on a URL for a recent Alex Jones radio show video stream, Facebook redirected to a decoded URL, which obviously took them no where, Infowars reported. This is not the first time Facebook has suppressed political speech or even speech about inalienable human rights. As reported by World. Net. Daily WND, conservatives, especially, have complained often about Facebook censorship Political conservatives who utilize the social media site Facebook have long complained of pages being flagged for political incorrectness, blocked by Facebook itself or swamped by leftist trolls. WND further noted that the censorship of certain political speech seemed to ramp up after the creator of the massive social media site, Mark Zuckerberg, got cozy with President Obama at a White House dinner in 2. The news site pointed out that, in July 2. Christian and actor Kirk Cameron alerted his 6. Facebook fans that the links to his latest film, Unstoppable, had been blocked by Facebook, which went on to label the links as abusive and unsafe. Facebook would eventually restore the links with an explanation that they had mistakenly been targeted by the sites spam filtering software, but the example served as one of many regarding specific, often non politically correct, content. Cameron attributed the restoration to the outcry from his fans Because of your firm, loving, and clear voice, not only did Facebook welcome us back, You. Tube also removed its block on our Unstoppable movie trailer. We are back online with full access. Later last year, WND also reported that the group Truckers Ride for the Constitution found their Facebook page, Truckers to Shutdown America, closed, after accumulating more than 8. Additional cases of censorshipPolitical opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known to the public feature on Facebook, You. Tube and Twitter called community standards flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms, the truckers group explained in a press release. An administrator of the page offended someone by saying, God bless you, and God bless America. In March 2. The. Blaze. Facebook censorship of certain political content had occurred Only a couple months after Facebook threatened to shut down Chicks on the Right for what the conservative fan pages administrators said were posts critical of the Obama administration Facebook later apologized, a few other Facebook accounts have been visited by the so called Facebook police for what some users think are politically charged reasons. One was conservative blogger Diane Sori, who reported being banned by Facebook because she was an administrator of a conservative fan page for Sarah Palin Barracuda Brigade for our American Girl 2. Also, The. Blaze. Texas man, Dustin Ford, was banned for writing the sentence, Seizing the day with baby Obama, which Facebook said was a violation of its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Nautral. News. com has identified two online organizations which are both rooted in open source programming, freedom of information and individual liberty. They run on donations so be sure to donate to them, see below and therefore are not beholden to the interests of powerful corporations. Be sure to check out Diaspora and Unseen. Sources http www.

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