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- Status of hormones and painkillers in wastewater effluents across several European states—considerations for the EU watch list concerning estradiols and diclofenac.
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Status of hormones and painkillers in wastewater effluents across several European states—considerations for the EU watch list concerning estradiols and diclofenac. The detection and identification of PPCPs in environmental samples can be divided into three categories, namely quantitative targeted analysis employing reference standards, suspects screening without reference standards, and nontargeted screening (Krauss et al. Kind and Fiehn 2. Little et al. 2. 01.
Quantitative target analysis is the most common approach, in which only a number of previously selected, and often regulated, compounds are determined and the method is only validated for such compounds. For the monitoring of the target compounds DCF, EE2, and E2 in water samples, preconcentration is required prior to analysis.

Currently, solid- phase extraction (SPE) is the most widely used procedure to extract and concentrate pharmaceuticals and other organic pollutants from environmental samples. In the specific case of DCF, acidification of the aqueous sample is frequently used to facilitate more efficient recovery of the target molecule from natural samples (Table 2). When the adopted analytical technique is based on gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (GC- ion trap- MS/MS, GC- MS, or GC- MS- SIM), derivatization is necessary (methylation, terbutylation, etc.) to enable separation and detection. These operations are not necessary when final analysis is performed with LC- MS/MS. In any case, pretreatment and derivatization will enhance the overall difficulty of the analysis, and its final net cost for the respective additional preparative works, without a significant difference in terms of limits of quantification (LOQ). Consequently, and specifically since coelution occurs, several labs have proposed to omit this preconcentration step and begun to search for other solutions.
Table 2. Relevant information related to preconcentration steps and analysis of environmental water samples for diclofenac, E2, and EE2 determination. Costs listed refer to the different analytical options, without considering those related to instrument investment or the possibility, for each method, to be capable of determining several compounds simultaneously (multiresidual analysis). In any case, limiting the determination only to a restricted number of target compounds could be considered a too simplistic approach which might not be useful to fully take advantage of the potentialities of the instrumentation nowadays available.
Often there is lack of information on analyzed samples because only user- defined MS/MS transitions are saved in the method and compounds in the sample that are not specified beforehand remain unknown. Employment of the MS/MS techniques for quantitative target analysis has also some drawbacks and limitations, namely (i) methods are typically limited to about 1. H2. O or CO2, which are also common for matrix interferences; and (iii) for some analytes, especially those of low molecular weight, only one transition is present.
When analyzing sewage sludge, an additional step is necessary for exhaustive determination of DCF, E2, and EE2. Namely, the first step in pretreatment usually applied involves extraction of the target compounds from a solid sample by pressurized liquid extraction (PLE, Radjenović et al. MAE, Cortazar et al. Rice and Mitra 2.
US, Gatidou et al. In addition, an extensive cleaning of the obtained extract to avoid any matrix interference will remove organic and inorganic coextractives, before they might interfere with analyte separation and detection causing background noise in GC- MS analysis and signal suppression and/or enhancement in LC- MS analysis.
After application of one of the mentioned extraction techniques (PLE, MAE, or US) as the first pretreatment step to solid matrices, the next steps involved are presented in Table 2. Which of the listed methodologies will be selected depends on the type of analyte and particular techniques available in the laboratory. In Table 2, the main published procedures for analyzing DCF, E2, and EE2 in environmental water samples are compiled.
It becomes clear that for both DCF and the estrogen determination by GC- MS necessarily involves an additional derivatization step (e. N- methyl- N- (trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide, etc.) due to the polarity of the compounds. Determination by LC- MS is indeed simpler and can even be automated provided that an online SPE can be used to reach the low detection limits that are frequently required (Patrolecco et al. Another issue worth considering is the presence in environmental aqueous samples, together with target pharmaceutical compounds, of other compounds that are practically linked to the selected targets, namely metabolites and transformation products (TP). The determination of such compounds is not straightforward due to the lack of relevant mass spectrometric data available in LC- MS/MS methods, namely the precursor ion mass, the product ion masses (quantifier ion and qualifier ion), and the collision energy voltage. Therefore, an approach that is not based on the selectivity of the MS/MS mode but that employs high- resolution MS (HRMS) allowing the detection in scan mode would be much more beneficial.
In nontarget screening analysis, unknown components in the sample chromatogram are extracted from tentatively identified compounds (TIC), using special deconvolution software that detects the ions filtering them out from the background. For this type of experiment, the employment of HRMS(/MS) is reported to be the only effective technique to be used (Krauss et al. Nurmi et al. 2. 01. Godfrey and Brenton 2. Indeed, a structure proposition for a peak detected by HRMS and MS/MS spectra involves several work- intensive data and expert processing steps (Krauss et al. Nurmi et al. 2. 01. Watch The Exorcism Of Anna Ecklund Online (2017). Kind and Fiehn 2.
Little et al. 2. 01. Amorisco et al. 2. It is evident that nontarget screening analysis is incapable of revealing all compounds in the sample, causing possible false negative results.
This is due to the inherent nature of LC- MS analysis, since both, chromatography and ionization always exclude some of the compounds. As a very useful evaluation tool for possible candidates, HRMS is ideal when combined subsequently with a powerful structure elucidation technique like nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR, De Laurentiis et al.
An efficient modern method for both target and nontarget screening analysis for DCF is the hyphenation of hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) with RPLC coupled with highly accurate MS, such as TOF- MS. With the set of detection methods discussed here, the analyst has a powerful tool for comprehensive and simultaneous analysis of compounds in a wide range of polarity, including the estrogens, DCF, and their transformation products (Rajab et al.